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Debt Free Charts Blog

How to Have a Debt-Free Christmas (+ 8 FREE Christmas Activities)

How to Have a Debt-Free Christmas (+ 8 FREE Christmas Activities)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Just saying that and I’m sure your mind goes to cozy sweaters, lights, decorations, and all the joys of C...
How to Keep Your Family Vacation on Budget!

How to Keep Your Family Vacation on Budget!

Getting that itch to travel, to relax and take a break? After the crazy year we’ve had, who isn’t? But what about the cost? It can be so stressful ...
How Visuals Help You Meet Money Goals Faster: Rebekah's Story

How Visuals Help You Meet Money Goals Faster: Rebekah's Story

Paying off debt, saving money, and reaching big money goals are easier to accomplish when you have support (from family of friends) or have seen s...
Why You Should Automate Your Savings and How to Start

Why You Should Automate Your Savings and How to Start

I just love automating our savings goals. I don’t have to think about it, it just happens, and because the money is out of our checking account, it...
5 of the Best Budgeting Apps to Help you Manage Money

5 of the Best Budgeting Apps to Help you Manage Money

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" Benjamin Franklin may not have been talking about your budget, but it still applies. If you spend more than...
15 Money Pros You Should be Following on Instagram

15 Money Pros You Should be Following on Instagram

Sometimes, you might feel like the only person you know who’s sacrificing and hustling to pay off debt, build wealth, and create a better future fo...
Big Finance Pack - Printable Finance Library

Big Finance Pack - Printable Finance Library

Ditch the overwhelm! This is not your typical (dare I say boring) budget planner. It’s a solution to SO many of your headaches!!! This is truly th...
Monthly Income Sources - Free Printable Tracker

Monthly Income Sources - Free Printable Tracker

I'm sharing with you the Monthly Income Sources Tracker from my Big Finance Pack FREE! You can find the rest of the pack HERE. Monthly Income Sourc...
Weekly Spending Tracker - Free Printable

Weekly Spending Tracker - Free Printable

I'm sharing with you the Weekly Spending Tracker from my Big Finance Pack FREE! You can find the rest of the pack HERE. Weekly Spending Tracker Thi...
Overcoming a Mountain of Debt: Bethany's Story

Overcoming a Mountain of Debt: Bethany's Story

After 11 years of marriage, we were up to our eyeballs in debt: a car loan, a personal loan, and a mountain of credit card debt. ...enough was enough, and we knew things had to change.

Let customers speak for us

3796 reviews
Debt free here I come!

As soon as I received the Link I printed them off and got started. Love that they are FREE, easy to use. I can visually see my progress getting rid of my debt. Thank you for providing this service!


Thank you for these beautiful debt free charts! Very motivating!!!

I love them! Thank you!

Perfect for my needs!

This is exactly what I was looking for and it was completely free. Super useful visual aid as I chip away at my student loans!

Huge help!

These debt free charts are a game changer for me. I often start my debt-free journey and then get discouraged but being able to color in the squares keeps me motivated to keep going!