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Rock your 2018 Savings Challenge goal!


New 2019 chart coming soon!

Whether you plan to save $1 per day, $10 per day, or more, this chart will keep you fired up.

Specially made with 52 spaces to fill, one for each week of the year.

This chart features dates up the left side, so you can see at a glance where you should be with your savings at any point in the year, and, if you fall behind, where you need to catch up to in order to get back on track.

Put your total savings goal at the top right of the chart and divide by 26 to get your increment. Put $0 on the bottom line of the chart, then fill in each short line going up in increments.

For a simple example, if you plan to save $1300 for your savings challenge goal, then your increment would be $50 (1300/26=50), so starting with $0 at the bottom, the next short line up would be $50, then $100 and so on. So that each week you plan save $25.

Share your progress on Instagram with #debtfreechart2018


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3839 reviews
Adorable charts

These are fun to color and watch your progress! I am glad I got them.

Sure makes paying off debt more fun!

Thank you for giving me something that finally makes paying debt a little more fun!

Great charts!

Love the charts, absolutely free, no strings attached. Easy, safe download and print. These will work perfectly for helping my son pay off a small debt and see his progress.

A clear motivating picture

Let’s face it debt sucks but these totally free charts have been eye opening and motivating. I printed these all to A5 size and already have colored in a few boxes. I love that what seemed insurmountable before now seems doable. (Like if I pay and extra $100 dollars I can color in another box). I have a really really really long way to go but I now have a clear picture on all of my debts (without adding more debt to the pile). Thank you for these fun charts.

Debtris Tracking Chart
robin lampley

Debtris Tracking Chart