Pay off those credit cards from smallest balance to largest. Don't be tempted to pay off the card with the big balance and high interest rate first. That may sound logical, but you are more likely to lose your momentum when the number is big and you don't see quick progress. Getting out of debt isn't about Math, it's about Momentum.
Both the Original black background and the Outline versions are included, you get both automatically!
I love the visual debt free trackers. It’s a fun way to record and track your progress
Maria Rivera
Great tool to have!!
I just love my Discover Card chart. I feel more in control.
Christina Butler
Exactly what I needed!
Thank you so much for this chart! I especially like how the tick lines are on the right side.... spaced in a way that my dollar amounts are not crammed in. This is exactly the motivation I needed. This also makes it easy when my husband wants to talk money - I can just point to the chart! Thank you again!
Stephanie Allison
Great for goal setting
I love to visualize my goals and this chart breaks it down. I love how easy they are to use.
These charts are really awesome. I love the creative charts like debtris (tetris blocks) and game of loans (thrones) references. The charts help me organize how much debt I have to go and filling it in when I make a payment. Very motivating I would recommend these to any who are on the debt free journey.
Using all the templates are fun and easy, I am using the starter emergency fund, I love the snese of accomplishment you get from coloring in a section.