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Challenge Yourself in 2019

I love a good challenge, one that stretches you to try new things, and inspires you to reach further than you've ever reached before.

So for 2019 I've made FIVE different Challenge charts to get you fired up to make 2019 your BEST MONEY YEAR EVER.

Plus, you can get one FREE with the code 2019Challenge in the checkout.

Each chart has 52 lines (instead of the normal 50) so that you can keep up week by week with your goal (instructions are at the bottom of this blog).

Savings Challenge 

This is the classic chart. Set your goal for how much you'd like to save overall in 2019. This could be any savings you plan for, retirement funds, vacations, emergency funds, college funds. Just because you saved it doesn't necessarily mean you can't spend it in 2019, if it's a planned expense, and you save up ahead to "cash flow" it, then I'd count it. 


Payoff Challenge

When Baby Step 2 is going to be long, as in more than a year, it can really help to have a goal for each year of the journey so you can see your progress. Use this chart for seeing how close you can get to your Payoff goal for 2019.


Income Challenge

Increasing your yearly income should be a goal we all have. 

Similar to the Side Hustle Challenge chart, but this chart is for those who are increasing their income at their current job or in their own business. Making more sales, increasing prices, taking extra shifts, working overtime, or working to earn a promotion and a pay raise, can all give a great boost to your regular income.

Set a big goal, even an impossible one, to see how much you can stretch your thinking into how you can increase your income every month.


Side Hustle Challenge

Working on bringing in extra income through a side hustle? Keep track of your increased income, no matter what the source, all in one place with this printable chart.

Whether you are selling your excess stuff online, delivering takeout, driving people to the airport, taking on a second job, or freelancing, every extra penny can be used for your financial goals. See how much your hard work is paying off by filling in this chart as you earn additional income.






Net Worth Challenge

Track your 2019 increase in Net Worth with this printable chart. Whether paying off debt or increasing savings, you can track them all with this one chart showing you the overall effect of all your hard work on your bottom line.

When you reduce your debt, or increase your savings, you increase your Net Worth by that same amount.

Set a big goal (even an impossible one) for 2019 to increase your Net Worth, and see how close you can get.


If you post your Challenge chart on social, be sure to tag @debtfreecharts and #debtfreecharts so I will see it, and I'll cheer you on!



Put your total goal number at the top of the chart. Then divide by 52 to get your increments up the side. Be sure to put a Zero at the bottom of the chart, then start writing your increments, adding up as you go up each line.



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starter emergency fund template

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