Pay off those credit cards from smallest balance to largest. Don't be tempted to pay off the card with the big balance and high interest rate first. That may sound logical, but you are more likely to lose your momentum when the number is big and you don't see quick progress. Getting out of debt isn't about Math, it's about Momentum.
Both the Original black background and the Outline versionsare included, you get them both automatically!
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All products on this site are for your personal use only.
The chat is so helpful and has really helped motivate me. Being a very visual person the use of these charts has been a game changer in my financial journey!
Dana Anderson
Visa Debt
Super cute and specific to my goal to pay off my visa card
Reeda Wilson
I feel like without these charts I couldn’t stay motivated to do what was needed on my debt free journey they have been a life saver!!!
Talk about creating a new habit. These are addicting 😍 I can easily follow and track my goals. They are beautiful and make crushing my goals fun! Thank you.
I have been using various of the Debt Free charts for several years. They are super fun. I use regular spread sheets as well, but think the charts just add a flair and make me happy.
The debt free chart vault is like a little gold box that keeps on giving. I cannot thank you enough for having it priced so well that no matter at what point of my financial journey I am I can always trust that there's a form/format that will help me.