The Mojo Bucket is the term coined by The Barefoot Investor in Australia for an Emergency Fund. I used this chart to great success to save up my big Emergency Fund. It is still displayed proudly in my study. I loved colouring it in….it was my first chart!
I am preparing to move and using these decluttering charts and so motivational and remind me that I don't need to keep everything. Being able to color more spots reminds me that I am accomplishing my goals and have less to move.
I am preparing to move and using these decluttering charts and so motivational and remind me that I don't need to keep everything. Being able to color more spots reminds me that I am accomplishing my goals and have less to move.
Even though I love spreadsheets I love the summary of the visual and progress I'm making. Totally customizable with dates and amounts, I absolutely love this sheet. Thank you!