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I Didn't Hit my Goal - and I'm OK with it!

Last January when I launched the new website and had just started this IG page, I was pleasantly surprised by how many free charts were downloaded, and by March thought I'd set a goal for the year.

My initial thought was "I wonder how long it would take to give away a Million charts?" and the very next thought was "I wonder how many I can give away this year?"

The first goal that came to mind 75,000. That seemed doable.

Then I realized that wouldn't be much of a challenge, as the pattern seemed to say that would happen without much effort. So I upped it to 100,000. I even put 100,000 on the About page of the website.

Soon after that, I realized that was still too small, it wasn't opening up my brain to the possibilities. So up the goal went to 150,000 charts, double my original thought.

I knew this would be a nearly impossible goal unless I really upped my game. It got me out of my comfort zone to do my first podcast interview with @asunnysideuplife , and my first blog interviews, including @thepennyhoarder. I would have stayed in my little safe cocoon if not for that big, crazy goal

I didn't reach it.

In the past I would have made that mean that I failed. But I've learned this year (from @jameswedmore and @lifecoachschool ) that big goals like this aren't actually about reaching the goal, they are about stretching me, opening my thinking, and getting me to play bigger.

You guys, I am still blown away by this whole thing.


WOW! 107,417 FREE charts given away in 2018!!!

So what is your goal for 2019? Would you double it as a challenge to yourself? I dare you to try. Go big, get out of your comfort zone, and open up your mind. What if you COULD do it? What would it take? Who would you need to be? Then go out there and be that person. You will do more than you ever thought you could.

Here is to big, crazy goals for 2019!

Ready to join me?

Oh, and even though I didn't hit the 2018 goal, I'm making it bigger for 2019! Stay tuned.

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Let customers speak for us

3839 reviews
Adorable charts

These are fun to color and watch your progress! I am glad I got them.

Sure makes paying off debt more fun!

Thank you for giving me something that finally makes paying debt a little more fun!

Great charts!

Love the charts, absolutely free, no strings attached. Easy, safe download and print. These will work perfectly for helping my son pay off a small debt and see his progress.

A clear motivating picture

Let’s face it debt sucks but these totally free charts have been eye opening and motivating. I printed these all to A5 size and already have colored in a few boxes. I love that what seemed insurmountable before now seems doable. (Like if I pay and extra $100 dollars I can color in another box). I have a really really really long way to go but I now have a clear picture on all of my debts (without adding more debt to the pile). Thank you for these fun charts.

Debtris Tracking Chart
robin lampley

Debtris Tracking Chart