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5 of the Best Self Care Printable Trackers

Daily life, work, and family often take up our time and leave little room for taking care of ourselves! These six printables can help you to stay on track with self-care. 

31-Day Self-Care Challenge - Lauren’s Journey

Lauren’s 31-day self-care challenge is easy to follow! Each day of the challenge is an opportunity for a new way to practice self-care. You’ll be trying yoga, watching your favorite movie, and so much more. Follow this one in order or jump around to activities based on how you feel each day.

DIY Bullet Journal Self-Care Tracker - Archer & Olive

Create this handy self-care habit tracker for your bullet journal! (A simple piece of graph paper will work, too!) Walk through the step-by-step process to create a beautiful tracker. Then you can fill it in with the habits you want to form, like drinking more water, exercising, or making your bed. Whatever you decide, you’ll be sure to be inspired by this tracker.

Self-Care Workbook - Miss Mental

Self-care and self-reflection. You’ll find both in this beautiful thirteen-page workbook. You’ll brainstorm about your talents, your experiences, and yes, your goals, too. Miss Mental will give you the tools to dream big, so be sure to set aside a little time to sit with this one.

Self-Care for Beginners Checklist - Living with Tessa

I love this adorable tracker! It’s perfect for people at any stage in their self-care journeys. Tessa’s lovable style is written all over the habits listed: “Spoke to another human” and “Did an adulting thing” are just a couple of examples. This tracker also comes in a variety of cute colors and patterns, so you can pick your favorite!

Bullet Journal Trackers for Self Care - Archer & Olive

Not into DIY? Have no fear--Archer & Olive also offers free premade bullet journal trackers for self-care. These gorgeous pastel trackers help you thrive in five key areas of life: physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual. The designs on these are simply stunning, and functional too!

BONUS: Health & Fitness Tracking Pack - Debt Free Charts

This pack of 18 printables includes a cute “100 self-care doodles” page. You can also track your exercise, healthy eating, hydration, gratitude, and so much more! Don't forget that self-care starts with taking care of yourself consistently, not only in times of burnout.


Self-care is so important for healthy living! Use one of these six printable trackers to help make self-care a priority in your life. 


What’s your favorite way to practice self-care? Comment below to share your ideas with the Debt Free Charts community!

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