Owing money to family members just makes things awkward. They may be understanding of you paying off other loans first, they may even try to talk you into paying them later, don't listen! Pay them off first. They will not only be proud of you, but your relationship will also feel much more relaxed.
Both the Original black background and the Outline versionsare included, you get both automatically!
These charts are Perfect to help me help myself. Not overwhelming with graphics, simple design. Easy to intuitively know how to use!
Miriama B.
It will be helpful in keeping me accountable for paying my family back.
Nyamal Deng
Family Loan
Rebecca Chandler
Family Loan
Andrew Leuthold
Great visual motivational tool!
I have found that I have to focus on one thing at a time. This chart gives me a visual motivation for clearing out my debt. I look forward to getting to color in another section on the chart each month. It really has helped me reach my debt repayment goals
Using all the templates are fun and easy, I am using the starter emergency fund, I love the snese of accomplishment you get from coloring in a section.