The $1000 Project is a concept of "saving and earning extra money in small, achievable parcels of $1000." Based on the book The $1000 Project by Australian financial planner Canna Campbell.
Whether you are following the book, or just want a smaller, $1000-at-a-time goal, this chart is for you.
Thank you for using Debt Free Charts, and I wish you well on your journey to financial freedom!
The CAR LOAN chart will help me keep on track to pay my vehicle off early. It's rewarding to mark off each payment and see how much faster I'm getting toward my goal of financial freedom. Love it!
These charts are really awesome. I love the creative charts like debtris (tetris blocks) and game of loans (thrones) references. The charts help me organize how much debt I have to go and filling it in when I make a payment. Very motivating I would recommend these to any who are on the debt free journey.