Pay off those credit cards from smallest balance to largest. Don't be tempted to pay off the card with the big balance and high interest rate first. That may sound logical, but you are more likely to lose your momentum when the number is big and you don't see quick progress. Getting out of debt isn't about Math, it's about Momentum.
These just seem like coloring sheets which is fine but the title says tracking chart with no type of tracking template.
I’m sorry the tracker wasn’t what you expected. I’ve tried to be clear as to what they are with the images. I’d love to know more about what you thought it would be.
Dylan’s Mommy
AMX Chart
I used this chart to color code every box until my bill was paid! I used 4 colors I new when I got to the color Green …I was in the money and done!!! I love all of the charts I ordered!
joy beemer
Great idea hopefully will be the kick in the butt I need
I have used this tracker for daily goals to help me start a routine!
Works well so far!! I love all of Heidi's trackers. They have really kept me on track with the visuals combined with actually having to do the physical coloring.