Save up for that trip of a lifetime, going home to see family, or anything in between, by coloring these super cute doodles as you work toward your goal amount.
For every doodle you color in, you are 1% closer to your goal!
I love the 100 Travel World Doodles chart that I bought. I love everything I have ever bought. I am saving for a trip to Japan/Guam next year (hoping we can travel freely then) and once I have the whole thing colored in I have enough for the trip. Such a cute chart! Thank you.
Talk about creating a new habit. These are addicting 😍 I can easily follow and track my goals. They are beautiful and make crushing my goals fun! Thank you.
I have been using various of the Debt Free charts for several years. They are super fun. I use regular spread sheets as well, but think the charts just add a flair and make me happy.
The debt free chart vault is like a little gold box that keeps on giving. I cannot thank you enough for having it priced so well that no matter at what point of my financial journey I am I can always trust that there's a form/format that will help me.