Paying off debt is hard. Just a few months into our debt payoff process I was struggling to keep going. It just felt like throwing money into a hole and the hole never looked any smaller.
I needed something to be able to see that my efforts were making a difference, something to show me that I was actually getting somewhere.
They say necessity is the mother of invention, and I for sure had a need that I couldn't find a solution for, so I made it myself. That's how these printable tracking charts were born.
I didn't know why they worked, but they just plain did.
They gave me a satisfaction with paying off debt like nothing else did.
They inspired me to really consider whether I wanted to spend a little money on some non-needed thing, or put it toward debt so I could color another line in.
Most of the time, I chose the line.
And I've heard from countless other people that they get that same satisfaction from coloring in their charts.
"These charts are so great to motivate me to pay off my debt while having fun coloring in my progress." - Molly
"I am a very visual person so being able to see the blocks colored (one by one as it may be) encourages me to keep going and I can also see how far I've come! We all need a little encouragement on our debt free journey and I love this one!" - Tiffany
"Every time i get to color another square, i get sooooo happy! Thank you for creating such a motivating tool to help in my debt free journey." - Michelle
Over 150,000 people from over 140 countries around the world have now used these charts (those numbers still blow my mind), and there are some very clear winners in the bunch.
The Top 10 FREE Debt Payoff Tracking Charts:
Debt Free Land Game Chart
This Candyland style game reigns supreme. In total, over 190,000 of this style of chart has been downloaded for FREE and helped people all over the world pay off their debts.
This was the first one I made that was like a game and it took off like a shot to the top of the list! If the original debt-free charts made it satisfying to watch your progress this game added a layer of fun!
Each space is 1/100th of your total debt payoff goal and a fun bonus with these game charts is that they include 25% 50% and 75% mile stone markers to build in celebrations along the way.
Perfect for tracking your overall debt payoff journey, or you can use this for each individual small debt and color in the spaces even faster.
Credit Card Classic Chart
This classic credit card word fill chart helps you to see your progress. And when you see your progress, and see how far you’ve already come, you stay motivated to finish the job.
"Paying credit card debts is already daunting and exhausting. When I discovered this chart and it says FREE, I immediately download this and printed. This is life-changing. Seeing my payment progress makes me thrill." - Ma Leona
I Paid Off My Credit Card Game Chart
Adding even more fun to your debt payoff journey, these Candyland styled game charts are just plain fun to fill-in. Turning your debt-free journey into a game brings out the kid in us and helps us compete against our own selves and nobody else.
I Saved My Starter Emergency Fund Game Chart
If you’ve struggled to get your first emergency fund going this chart will really help you. Not only does it make it fun, but each Little space feels very doable. Perfect for that very first step into taking control of your finances.
"Love the lay out! Love the whole thing. I'm already saving more than I ever have, I think it's because I love watching the colors grow along the path as I keep working at it!" - Justine
Starter Emergency Fund Classic Chart
The bold words on the classic word feel charts are what makes them so powerful.
Post this chart up on your refrigerator, or somewhere you’ll see it constantly, and you’ll be more motivated to reach your goal, because goals that remain visible are much easier to stay focused on.
Debt Free Chart Classic Chart
The classic Debt Free Chart. This is the chart that started it all.
I needed to be able to see my progress and all I could find online back in 2007 was a thermometer. BORING!. So I made this chart for myself, and it worked like gangbusters! Then I got up the courage to share it with the world, and personal finance was forever changed because finally visual people like me finally had a tool to help us stay motivated. It’s just something about those big bold words that makes the small decisions a lot easier to make.
Perfect for your overall debt payoff goal, or your individual small debts to pay off. This chart you can’t miss even from across the room, which is why it’s so powerful.
6 Ways to Make Paying Off Debt FUN!
How to Make Your Debt-Free Journey Fun
Figure Out What to Pay off First (or next) with a Debt Priority Worksheet - Free Printable
Student Loan Classic Chart
See your progress on those pesky student loans and stay motivated to get them out of your life. While this may not be the first that you pay off, it could be one of the most satisfying.
Print out one sheet for each individual student loan and knock them off one at a time.
"I highly recommend the student loan chart if you're a visual person, it makes a huge difference (at least for me)! I finally had the urge to pay off my loans and this keeps me on track and motivated. Thank you for this!" - Kaitlyn
I Paid Off My Student Loan Game Chart
It can be easy to lose steam when you finally get to the point of paying off your student loans. This chart makes a game out of the process and will help you stay motivated to win!"I love this debt tracker! It not only helps to keep me accountable, but it also motivates me to keep me going! Get this visual tracker to help you stay on track." Valary A.
Debtris Game Chart
The nostalgia is strong with this one! Whether you grew up playing the original Tetris in the 80s, or later versions, the game is undoubtedly one of the most iconic ever, and that makes this Debtris chart one of the most satisfying ways to track your debt payoff.
With 200 pieces you’ll get to color in even more often as you pay off your debts.
"Every month when I fill in more of the Debtris shapes, I feel so happy and motivated to keep going! I have other charts from this website as well and they are just brilliant. They really spur me on to keep going and get this debt paid off. Thank you!" - Sam
I Paid Off My Car Loan Game Chart
This design fits perfectly for paying off your car. It's a race to debt freedom! Make a game out of paying off your car and I bet you'll be surprised at how fast you get it done!
"I love this because I feel like the visual is actually helping to motivate me to pay off my debt faster instead of just serving as a way to keep track." - Holly
How to use these FREE debt payoff charts:
Go to the Free Charts in the Shop to select the charts you want, then checkout. The download links will be emailed to you within about 30 minutes.
Download and print your chart at home
Divide your debt by the number of lines, spaces, or pieces (Here’s a handy calculator)
Fill in the numbers where indicated.
Color in the lines, spaces, or pieces as your debt balance goes down.
For more in depth instructions see the how to article HERE.
All charts are 8.5x11" high resolution PDF files, that you can download right away and print easily.
If you'd like to print at a different size (like to fit inside your planner), see this blog post for how to do t
So there you have it, the Top 10 FREE Debt Payoff Trackers and how they can help you stay motivated to reach your Debt Free Goals!
Please come get your free charts!
6 Ways to Make Paying Off Debt FUN!
How to Make Your Debt-Free Journey Fun
Figure Out What to Pay off First (or next) with a Debt Priority Worksheet - Free Printable

When Heidi and her husband Bob were getting out from under a mountain of debt, she wanted something to help her see her progress visually. She created her first chart for herself and shared it in a forum (pre-social media) and she was thrilled to learn the charts helped other people stay motivated too. She is most known for creating over 50 totally free charts for getting out of debt, and so far over 150,000 people in 143 countries around the world have used her charts (map shows actual locations of customers), impacting more people than she ever dreamed. To read more about that map, click here.