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Make Bible Reading a Fun Habit With These Cute Bible Trackers!

Reading your Bible regularly just got even more fun with these super cute Bible reading trackers!

Reading the Bible more is something most of us feel like we should be doing. But, it's so hard to build a new habit or simply be consistent with your current Bible reading. I’m pretty sure I'm not the only one that wants to read my Bible more often, but I actually just forget. Life is busy, whether you're working outside the home, working inside the home, homeschooling, or schlepping your kids all over the county, it just seems like self-care things get put on the back burner way too often.

Reading the Bible regularly has so many benefits for us! Spending time in the Word gives us:

  • Time with God
  • Encouragement
  • Understanding of the depth of His love for us
  • Guidance in good times and bad
  • Faith that He is in control
  • Direction when we are unsure
  • Growth as believers
  • Wisdom
  • Discipline 
  • Gratitude

Plainly put, the more time we spend with God and His Word, the more joy we will have.

There are many ways to organize your quest to read through the Bible:

  • Read through the Bible in a year, Genesis to Revelation
  • Read through the Bible chronologically
  • Read 15 minutes a day for a year
  • Listen to the Bible on audio
  • Read through topically with guided Bible studies

I mean honestly, it only takes 15 minutes a day to read the entire Bible in just a year

I know we can both improve our Bible reading habit simply by tracking how much we are reading. It's a simple fact that tracking your goals so that you can see your progress inspires and motivates you to keep going.

I wanted a printable to help me keep track of my own Bible reading and nothing I found online hit the nail on the head for me. I found it rather confusing that so many of the other book trackers I saw the books were actually upside down! I'm sorry to say but too many were just rectangles with the book names just typed on, and those pages just weren't cute nor inspiring to me.

So I decided to see what I could come up with and I got so inspired and had such a fun time making this that I can't wait to share my Bible Reading Trackers with you!


This has two pages to color as you read through the Bible. 


One is a super cute bookshelf with all the books of the Bible as individual little books, plus some added little plants just for fun. The books are organized into the sections of the Bible, and I like coloring each section a different color (in rainbow order if I can).

The second page is a little bit more like my 100 Doodles pages in that it's the separate books of the Bible organized in more of a grid fashion.


There are many ways you can use these pages:

  • Insert it into your disc-bound planner - tips on printing to fit any planner here
  • Add it to a Bible Binder for your studies,  journaling, sermon notes, and prayer lists
  • Print on a sheet of sticker paper and stick it inside your bound planner
  • Post it on your refrigerator or bulletin board where you’ll see it daily and be reminded of your goal
  • Fold one up and keep it in your Bible as a bookmark

I’m ready to read my Bible more this year than ever before, and I’m coloring my way through it. If you'd like to color your way through reading the Bible too, you can get this set here.

Printable Bible reading trackers download chart progress bookshelf 

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The Leaf Doodles Trackers are so fun to use! I love the visual aspect - it makes it so much easier to make progress when you see how far you've come!

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