This chart will do a magic spell on your goals!
I got several requests for a HP Doodle Chart, but of course I can't call it HP for legal reasons, so we've got 100 Wizard Doodles for you, with owls and howlers and crystal balls and even Harry's sweater.
Not all the books are represented, it was too much to try to fit in iconic things from each book, so I decided to use mostly items that were from the first book and were repeated in other books.
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Tracking your progress gives concrete evidence that you are getting there, one doodle at a time.
For money goals, divide the goal amount by 100 to get the amount that each doodle represents.
Can also be used as a time tracker, each space/doodle can be a number of minutes spent working on the goal, whether it be reading, writing, walking, exercising, etc.
Great as a 100 day countdown tracker, color a space/doodle every day as you count down to a special event, like a trip to Universal Studios, or a birthday, or even a wedding for die-hard fans.
I'd love to hear what you end up using this doodle chart for!