Freedom from Student Loan Debt, one line at a time!
Tracking your balance as you pay down your debt lets you see your progress, and when you SEE your progress you get fired up to make more progress, faster. You'll be amazed at how much more inspired and motivated you will be to really attack your school loans when you start coloring those lines in. And when you feel inspired and motivated, you'll be more careful with your spending and find more to throw at your debt than you knew you could.
When you have more than one student loan, use this chart for the running total paid off on all of them, seeing the big picture while knocking them out smallest to largest. Use a Student Loan chart for each of your loans separately and this one for the grand total.
Both the Original black background and the Outline versionsare included, you get them both automatically!
This is adigital download, you get immediate access, and can print as many times as you like. Nothing will be shipped.
All products on this site are for your personal use only.
Using all the templates are fun and easy, I am using the starter emergency fund, I love the snese of accomplishment you get from coloring in a section.