Saving for your child's college education has so many benefits. It reduces the need for Student Loans for your child or Parent Plus loans for you, and it's a great income tax write off.
Get started now and track your progress. You can use this chart several ways:
Setting a yearly Contribution goal and tracking what you add
Setting an overall Contribution goal and tracking what you add
Setting a total balance goal and tracking the actual balance as it grows (note, you have less control over this, and might have to pause or make a new chart if the balance goes down due to the market)
No matter which way you track it, this chart will help you see at a glance how you are doing toward this goal. Your child and your future self will thank you :D
NEW - Both the Original black background and the Outline versions in one file, you get them both automatically!
I enjoy the fact that there are two different options so that I can use less ink. These templates are great and I appreciate the fact they are personalized in the fact that you know what it is you're saving for.
I love the ebook mainly because I can reuse it. Also, I can change it up if something financially happens and have to redo a chart. Sometimes I need to add another chart so this is very convenient.