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Truck Loan Tracking Chart

Truck Loan Tracking Chart

Regular price $0.00 Sale

Pay off that truck! This FREE chart can help by keeping you motivated with every line colored in. Yep, believe it or not, physically coloring in your progress each month can have a huge impact on your motivation levels. 

Why pay your vehicle off early? Because you'll save thousands in interest!  You'll pay less for in the long run, and can start saving up cash for your next vehicle purchase.

"Thank you for making this boring adulting stuff so fun and encouraging!" - @onelittlehappy on Instagram

Get out from under that truck loan as fast as you can, and keep those thousands of dollars for yourself.

You might also like Car Loan, SUV Loan, Van Loan


Both the Original black background and the Outline versions are included, you get them both automatically! 

This is a digital download, you get immediate access, and can print as many times as you like. Nothing will be shipped.

All products on this site are for your personal use only.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Jordan Lumley
Great visual

I am such a visual person, and these charts at perfect to keep me motivated. It turns paying off debt and saving money into a game!

lethy Carranza
All the charts

I really love all the charts! They are creative and make paying of debt super fun!

Kat B
Great visual resource

This has definitely helped my husband and I stay motivated to pay off our truck earlier!

Tracey Golden
Perfect for our Truck Loan!

Many debt trackers are for cars but we specifically wanted one for our truck. This one is perfect and we cant wait until it is finished and paid off. Thanks for making it a free version in addition to cars.

Adrienne Holloway
Truck Loan Debt Free chart

Great tool to help you see progress! Love it and thank you for sharing your wonderful tools with the World.


Let customers speak for us

3798 reviews
Love the charts

I started getting serious about paying off dept a few months ago. That is when I first saw the charts. I was not ready to see the visual until 2 months ago and now get so excited to pay a bill and track it. Thank you! I am telling my friends!

I Paid Off my Car Loan Tracking Chart

Debt free here I come!

As soon as I received the Link I printed them off and got started. Love that they are FREE, easy to use. I can visually see my progress getting rid of my debt. Thank you for providing this service!


Thank you for these beautiful debt free charts! Very motivating!!!

I love them! Thank you!